Manage tens of thousands of documents

O&M Manuals and Project Handover Software

Perfect your construction project's finale with our tailored O&M and handover software. By bridging the gap between construction completion and operational commencement, we facilitate a seamless and informed transition for all stakeholders.

Trusted by more than 2,000 businesses
Automatd O&M Manual Creation

Generate O&M manuals effortlessly and include subcontractors in the process. Include data directly from the project database. Tailor manuals to project specifics with easy drag-and-drop functionalities.

Interactive Digital Media Integration

Enhance manuals with interactive elements like 3D models, videos, and animations. Provide users with a richer understanding of equipment and facility operations.

Version Control & Updates

Ensure the most recent and accurate information is available. Track changes, updates, and revisions to O&M manuals in real-time.

Centralized Document Repository

Store all handover documents, including O&M manuals, warranties, certificates, and more, in a secure cloud-based repository. Grant access based on roles and responsibilities. Asset Management requirements are all covered by Plexa's O&M Manual software.

Instant Collaboration & Feedback Loop

Facilitate real-time collaboration between subcontractors, facility managers, builders, and developers. Share feedback, seek clarifications, and approve documents in a unified platform

Compliance & Standards Adherence

Ensure all manuals and handover documents comply with local regulations and industry standards. Receive automatic prompts for any non-compliance issues